Overcoming Shocking Debt – New Starter Begins for Talk Money and Talk Pensions Week

Gurj Shergill has recently joined the Transforming Communities Together (TCT) team as the new Overcoming Shocking Debt Worker. Gurj joins the fantastic Black Country branch of the Just Finance Foundation adding further to a team experienced and talented in addressing many aspects of financial capability.

Overcoming Shocking Debt is funded by the National Lottery Communities Fund which has provided funding for a 10-month trial.

Overcoming Shocking Debt aims to stop vulnerable people from falling prey to loan sharks and other high-cost lenders by helping them access affordable alternatives. This is especially important when they are experiencing financial shocks associated with challenging life events such as the death of a loved one, a new baby or a redundancy. By focusing on these events, the project aims to prevent unsustainable debt, maintain individual wellbeing, strengthen relationships and family life, and promote financial resilience and community inclusion.

Transforming Communities Together’s Chair, the Rev'd Dr David Primrose, explained:

“We’re delighted to welcome Gurj to the team! When a person experiences a big or traumatic change in life, the emotional turmoil can make it difficult to make the best financial choices. So if there suddenly are extra costs or bills to pay, there is a higher risk of people getting into unsustainable debt. We want to find ways to help people in these circumstances make the best decisions possible.”

Gurj joins the team with extensive experience of financial capability work and employment support. He said:

“Talking about finances is a sensitive issue that requires patience and understanding. I can recall a time in my life when I was out of work and my finances dictated not only my personal life, but also my social life. It is a breath of fresh air to the topic of financial capability that the Archbishop of Canterbury, as President of the Just Finance Foundation is behind the movement to tackle poverty. I am looking forward to working alongside people who have a genuine enthusiasm to help others around them.

You can contact Gurj here: gurj.shergill@tctogether.org.uk


A values-based approach to financial education: bringing meaning to conversations about money.


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